Monday, August 18, 2014


(Lecturer in IKIP PGRI Semarang and teachers English at FPMIPA)

Feminism is a women movement which demands emancipation or equality and justice between women and men. As a philosophy and a movement, feminism is closely connected with Enlightenment Era in Europe which is led by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and Marquis de Condorcet.

This is different with Indonesian women. In Indonesia, women still have position as second citizen. This can be observed in daily life, as reflected in the story “Taman Kunang-Kunang” by Fandrik Ahmad. The female character in the story is described as a housewife, replacing the previous deceased one. The woman’s responsibility is to take care her husband’s child from the deceased wife. In other words, the woman is only dedicating her life in domestic area.

The writer analyzes this story uses Greimas’ structuralism. By using aktansial scheme, the story can be understood clearly. Beside using Greimas’ structuralism, the writer also analyzes this story based on the characters and characterization, and conflict. With these analyzes, we can find the position of the female character in the modern Indonesia where she tries her best to be a good wife and a good mother who is only active in domestic area.

Keynote: Greimas, character and characterization, conflict.

I.                    INTRODUCTION

Feminism is a thought which is introduced to promote the equal right between men and women in all aspects of life. This school was first introduced by French scholar Simone de Beauvoir in 19th century. At that time Beauvoir actively promoted the equal right between men and women trough literary works. Her writings have big contribution in first-wave feminism. This first-wave feminism focused on the issues of the equal rights for women, especially women of lower class, which in that time they were minority in almost all aspects of life, such as job, education, marriage, and others.

If we had Simone de Beaovoir in there as pioneer in feminism, here we have pioneer in feminism which is very famous up to now, RA Kartini. Even, Kartini’s struggle to promote woman’s rights began long before Beauvoir’s, which was since 18th century. Similar to Beauvoir, Kartini was born in noble family which has a prestigious position in that society. Kartini’s struggle was to promote women’s right which in that time they were considered have no right to have an education. This started when she began her correspondence with a Dutch feminist-socialist, Stella Zeehandaler. In her letters, Kartini starts to open her heart and is moved to give a chance for Indonesian women to get education. This can be understood. Although she is a noble woman, Kartini wasn’t allowed to get higher education in that time. Kartini’s thought is influenced by colonialism, which affects her rejection on feudalism towards poor people. She thought that Javanese which is patriarchy became one of the many factors which detained the progressive of Indonesian women. Kartini’s famous book Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang contains her letters for her colleagues containing her desires and goals to promote Indonesian women.

Feminism thought is closely related to emancipation. Equality and ending the exploitation towards women are the main spirit of feminism. Since Kartini’s thought and movement on feminism, there has been some women organization in Indonesia. Feminism in Indonesia is strengthened by First National Indonesia-Women Congress which was held in 1928 in Yogyakarta. This congress was attended by some women organizations which were already established. It can be said that this congress becomes main foundation of emergence of women organizations in Indonesia. After this congress, the movement of feminism mostly is against polygyny and polygamy. One of the famous organizations is Istri Sedar, which later became Gerwis (Gerakan Wanita Sosialis), and finally became Gerwani.

One of the organizations which get attention is Sarekat Rakyat. This organization is considered as the most progressive and majority of its members is women of lower class, such as farmers, and laborers. This movement got hard reaction from Indonesian government, because they are regarded has connection with PKI, which in that time was judged as radical movement. The female figures, such as Sukaesih, Munasisah, and some other members were sent to Dutch concentration camp in Digul.

Like in other countries, feminism in Indonesia has also some phases (first wave, second wave, third wave). First wave before independence, feminism promoted equal education between men and women. In old period, feminism promoted women to be involved in politics. In new period, when women have limited contribution in public area, feminism promoted that women get more room, such as in choosing job. In reformation period, feminism promotes non-violence movement against women, and other liberal themes.

Whatever the condition, feminism is a heavy struggle proposed by Kartini and continued by Indonesian women afterward. The spirits which were promoted by feminism are interconnected one to another, they are: equal right between women and men, and erasing discrimination against women both in domestic sphere and public sphere.

II.                  FEMINISM IN INDONESIA

Feminism is a movement which promotes women’s right to be equal with men without any discrimination. Historically, women’s rights were ruled out in almost all aspects including domestic and law. Government does not protect women’s rights legally though women often receive infringement which harms them. Essentially women are weaker than men.

The word ‘feminism’ comes from Latin ‘femina’ which means women. This term started to be used in 1890, referring to theory of equality between men and women, and movement which promotes women’s right. Now international literature defines feminism as distinction of women’s right based on equality of women and men.

In its development, feminist refers to those who consciously try to end subordination against women. Feminism is often connected to emancipation. In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, feminism means liberation on women’s issues, equality between men and women. RA Kartini who struggled to free the women from traditional norms which oppress them through education was a famous figure in the struggle of women’s emancipation.

Feminism is started at the end of 18 century, and ended at 20 century. Women’s voice in law, especially theory of law, is emerged and meaningful. The law of feminism which is based on sociology of feminism, philosophy of feminism, and history of feminism is the elaboration of women’s attention afterward. In the end of 20 century, feminism is considered as a branch of Critical Legal Studies. Its core criticizes the logic of law which is used all this time; law’s manipulative and dependence towards politics and economy; law’s role in shaping the pattern of social connection; and hierarchy shaping by law’s clause is not fundamental.

Although feminist’s opinions are pluralistic, one thing that unifies them is their belief that society and legal order are patriarchal. Neutral and objective law is often only visor towards political and social consideration which is manipulated by the ideology of decision maker, and this ideology is not for women’s interest. Patriarchal in society and legal order is cause of injustice, domination, and subordination towards women. Consequentially, there is demand on gender equality. Gender equality cannot be reached in institutional structure of ideology which is used today.

Feminists focus their attention on analysis on the role of law towards the survival of patriarchal hegemony. All analyses and theories proposed by feminists hopefully can be applied in real life. This is because feminists’ efforts are not only to beautify the history of human beings, but also to help people survive. The movement of feminism proves that abstract provision cannot solve inequality.

There are some schools in feminism. The first is liberal feminism. This school appears in the early 18 century, along with renaissance era. The demands are equal in education and revision on discriminative law. This thought is based on rationalist and the division between domestic and public sector. Liberal feminists demand the same opportunity for every person, including women.

The second is traditional Marxist feminism, which is based on Marxism. The members fight against the system of social economy which exploits women. Exploitation against women is part of class exploitation in the production system. Along with proletariat revolution which eliminates class system, exploitation against women will also disappear.
The third is radical feminism which refers to the concept of biological essentialism. The approach is that anything concerns with male is negative and exploiting. The members of this school also reject family institution, both theoretically and practically.

The fourth is socialist feminism which is combination between radical feminism and Marxist feminism. They consider that women are exploited by two things, the system of patriarchy and the system of capitalist.

The fifth is co-feminism which focuses its view on the analysis of feminism quality. They sharply criticizes the other schools of modern feminism (liberal, radical, Marxist, and socialist) by saying that gender inequality is not only caused by the construction of culture and social but also by the intrinsic factors.

III.               STORY ANALYSIS

Here the writer chooses American folklore entitled “Taman Kunang-kunang” as object of the study. In analyzing this story, the writer uses Greimas’ structuralism. By using Greimas’ structuralism, the writer organizes the story into diagram. The diagram is made thus the readers can understand the story easily. Through diagram, the readers can quickly recognizes which one is protagonist and which one is antagonist. They will also understand why the character doing what he/she does. Beside they will also understand the main goal of the character doing all his/her actions.

By inserting the story into the above diagram, the story will be understood easily. The main character, father, tries to find a new mom for his daughter. He is sad when he sees her daughter missing his deceased mom. He wants his daughter to be happy. He meets Linda. As his daughter likes Linda, he marries her.    

Subject is the main character. Here the main character is father. As the main character, father appears almost throughout the story, from the beginning till the end. Throughout the story, father tries many ways to realize his goal. All father’s actions are influenced by his surroundings. One of the factors which influences him is the opposition.

Opposition is the opponent party. In this story, opposition is death of his wife. This condition makes her daughter very sad. He is heart broken when he sees his daughter’s condition. He wants to makes her happy. He tries to find the replacement of his late wife.  

Helper is the party who helps the main character to get his goal. In this story the helper is Tante Linda. She is a kind woman. When father introduces Tante Linda to his daughter for the first time, her daughter is afraid of her. Tante Linda positions herself to the daughter’s level. She admits that she also likes fireflies as the daughter does thus she is accepted by the daughter.

Sender is the second party after helper who also helps the main character in the process of getting his final goal. In this story, the sender is the fireflies. The fireflies are the object of the daughter’s affection replacing the lost of her mother. The daughter is depressed after losing her mother. To find comfort, she tries to befriend the fireflies that she meets in her bedroom window. She does this in quiet as her father does not approve with what she does.

Object is the final goal of the main character. In this story object is to find a new mom for the daughter. This is closely related to the happiness of the daughter. Father does not want to see her daughter playing around with fireflies as if the fireflies are her mother. Father introduces Tante Linda to replace fireflies in the daughter’s life.

Receiver is the party who gets the final goal. In this story receiver is the daughter. All actions from the father is done to makes the daughter happy. The only father knows to do it is to replace the late wife with a new mother. He does not know that the daughter can find happiness in fireflies. The father thinks that befriending fireflies will make the daughter miserable.

IV.                FEMINISM ANALYIS

The story tells about an Indonesian family consists of a father, a mother and a daughter. The woman reflected here are in contrast with the condition proposed by feminism. The story describes Indonesian woman as obedient and passive.

Lumrahnya, yang selalu mengetok pintu kamar adalah si pembantu. Ia juga yang menyiapkanmu makanan, seragam, tas, dan sepatu.”

It shows that it is tradition that a woman brings up children. It is the women who always take care all the children’s need. And it is the women’s responsibility to always understand, know, and predict all the children’s need.

“Bukankah kau ingin memiliki ibu? Dia akan menjadi ibumu,’ kata ayahmu.

The quotation illustrates that the father as representation of male determines all the decision of the family. He is the one who decides what the daughter wants. He is the one who decides the solution of the daughter’s problem.

“Kau akan ditinggalkan bersama pembantu dan ibu tirimu.”

Once again, the description tells about the position of a woman in Indonesian family. She is responsible for the domestic area. She has to handle all the problem in the domestic area while the father goes away to work as he is the breadwinner.

“Tante Linda benar-benar menjadi ibu yang sesungguhnya. Ia setia menemanimu tidur, mendongengkan cerita-cerita lucu, meninabobokan, dan mengantarmu pergi ke sekolah esok harinya.”

Here the author explicitly describes a mother’s daily responsibilities. All of these activities concern only in the domestic area. There is no place for woman outside the domestic sphere.

“Apa yang kau lakukan,” bentakan ayahmu di seberang.

Here we can see that the woman is become the object of anger from the male side. The woman passively accepts it. She cannot argue back and defend herself in front of the male dominant.

V.                  CONCLUSION

From the analysis above, it can be concluded that the woman pictured in this story does not reflect the ideal woman according to feminism. It is said in the story that it is a man who becomes a breadwinner. He is the one who goes out there to do some works and collect money for the family. While women are requested to stay at home and conduct all the things connected to domestic affair.

In the story, it is described that the women is being the passive party, while the male is being the dominant party. The male is the one who determines what kind of decision for the family, including for the wife and the children. From the beginning, the male is the one who is actively choosing who will become his wife, who will responsible to take care of the children, who will conduct all the chores in the domestic area.


Ahmad, Fandrik. ‘TamanKunang-kunang. Taboid Nova, No 1304, 18-24 Februari 2013, h. 49

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